


Blackmores Executive B 壓力配方採用多種成分專門配製,可支持體內健康的壓力反應。它含有 B 群維生素和鎂。
Blackmores Executive B 壓力配方支持神經系統功能和健康、能量水平和生產,同時支持整體健康和福祉。
- 支持體內健康的壓力反應
- 支援神經系統功能和健康
- 支持能量水平和生產
- 支持整體健康和福祉
- 斑駁的深奶油色至黃色大片。薄膜包衣深棕色。
Blackmores 的區別
Blackmores Executive B 壓力配方採用多種成分專門配製,可支持體內健康的壓力反應。
- 鹽酸硫胺素(硫胺素維生素 B1 66.9 毫克)75 毫克 硫胺素(維生素 B1)是將碳水化合物轉化為能量所需的水溶性營養素。食物來源包括全穀物、豆類、堅果、葵花籽、豬肉和牛肉。
- 核黃素(維生素 B2)10 毫克 核黃素(維生素 B2)是一種水溶性維生素,參與 ATP 的產生和許多其他 B 群維生素的代謝。食物來源包括杏仁、蘑菇和菰米。維生素 B2 補充劑可能會使尿液顏色變成亮黃色。
- 菸鹼醯胺 100 毫克 也稱為菸鹼酸;菸鹼醯胺(維生素 B3)是一種水溶性營養素,參與能量產生和碳水化合物代謝。豆類、花生、麥麩和魚類都是維生素 B3 的來源。
- 泛酸鈣(泛酸 68.8 毫克)75 毫克 泛酸(維生素 B5)參與脂肪和碳水化合物的代謝以產生能量。維生素 B5 存在於葵花籽、豌豆、豆類(綠豆除外)、家禽和全穀物中。
- 鹽酸吡哆醇(吡哆醇 20.6 mg)25 mg 鹽酸吡哆醇(維生素 B6)是一種水溶性營養素,參與蛋白質、神經傳導物質和血紅蛋白的產生。全穀物、豆類、香蕉、種子、堅果和馬鈴薯是維生素 B6 的良好來源。
- 氰鈷胺(維生素 B12)氰鈷胺(維生素 B12)是蛋白質和 DNA 合成、葉酸代謝和紅血球生成所需的必需水溶性營養素。維生素 B12 的食物來源包括蛋黃、魚、牛肉、牛奶和起司。
- 生物素(維生素 H)20 微克 生物素是一種水溶性營養素,屬於B群維生素。生物素的食物來源包括起司、花椰菜和雞蛋。
- 抗壞血酸鈣 145 毫克 維生素C是一種水溶性抗氧化營養素,參與體內許多生物過程。維生素 C 存在於多種水果和蔬菜中,其中辣椒、黑醋栗、柳橙和草莓是維生素 C 的重要來源。
- 抗壞血酸(總維生素 C 250 毫克)130 毫克 抗壞血酸(維生素 C)是一種水溶性抗氧化營養素,參與體內許多生物過程。維生素 C 存在於多種水果和蔬菜中,其中辣椒、黑醋栗、柳橙和草莓是維生素 C 的重要來源。
- d-α 生育醇酸琥珀酸酯(維生素 E 50 IU)41.3 毫克 維生素E是一種脂溶性營養素,以維生素Eα-、β-、γ-和δ-生育醇的8種不同異構體(形式)存在;和α-、β-、γ-和δ-生育三烯酚。它的主要作用是作為一種抗氧化劑,負責其在體內的許多功能。維生素 E 存在於冷壓植物油、堅果和種子中。
- 磷酸鎂(鎂28.9毫克)140毫克 鎂是一種必需營養素,在體內300多種酶促反應中發揮作用,並在大量生物過程中發揮作用。含鎂食物包括綠葉蔬菜、堅果、可可和全穀類。
- 磷酸鈣(鈣37毫克)95.6毫克 鈣是體內最豐富的礦物質,主要儲存在骨骼中。含鈣食物包括乳製品、強化豆製品、綠花椰菜、高麗菜、帶骨魚,如鮭魚和沙丁魚。
- 鉀(鉀33.7毫克)117.3毫克 鉀是體內最豐富的電解質。鉀的濃度水平由鈉鉀泵維持,其中鉀穿過細胞膜交換鈉。含鉀食物包括南瓜、馬鈴薯、菠菜、扁豆、豌豆、葡萄乾、香蕉和西瓜。
- 葉酸 150 微克 葉酸是一種水溶性 B 群維生素,參與 DNA 和 RNA 的合成以及將維生素 B12 活化為其活性形式。葉酸存在於新鮮綠葉蔬菜、綠花椰菜、蘑菇、豆類、堅果和強化穀物中。
- Avena sativa(燕麥)分機。乾濃度25毫克(相當於乾種子250毫克)
- Passiflora incarnata(西番蓮)分機。乾濃度20毫克(相當於乾燥藥草100毫克)
- 卵磷脂 50 毫克
- 酒石酸氫膽鹼 25 毫克
- 肌醇 25 毫克
成人 –每日兩次,每次 1 片,或依專業處方服用。與食物一起服用。
- 請務必閱讀標籤並遵循使用說明
- 如果症狀持續,請諮詢您的健康專家
- 只有當飲食攝取不足時,補充劑可能才有幫助
- 含有麩質、亞硫酸鹽和大豆製品
- 請勿在懷孕或哺乳期間使用
- 警告 - 如果您感到刺痛、灼燒或麻木,請停止服用這種藥物,並儘快去看醫生。 (含有維生素B6)
- 如果您有任何既往病史,或正在服用任何藥物,請務必在使用前諮詢您的健康專業人士
- 某些產品應在任何選擇性手術前至少兩週停止使用,請與您的健康專業人員確認
- 含有亞硫酸鹽
Blackmores Executive B Stress Formula is specifically formulated with a combination of ingredients which support healthy stress response in the body. It contains B vitamins and magnesium.
Blackmores Executive B Stress Formula supports nervous system function and health, energy levels and production while supporting general health and wellbeing.
- Supports healthy stress response in the body
- Supports nervous system function and health
- Supports energy levels and production
- Supports general health and wellbeing
Blackmores Executive B Stress Formula is specifically formulated with a combination of ingredients which support healthy stress response in the body.
Active ingredients per tablet
- Thiamine hydrochloride (thiamine vitamin B1 66.9 mg) 75 mg Thiamine (vitamin B1) is a water-soluble nutrient required for converting carbohydrates into energy. Food sources include whole grains, beans, nuts, sunflower seeds, pork and beef.
- Riboflavin (vitamin B2) 10 mg Riboflavin (vitamijn B2) is a water-soluble vitamin involved in ATP production and the metabolism of many of the other B group vitamins. Food sources include almonds, mushrooms and wild rice. Vitamin B2 supplements may change urine colour to bright yellow.This is harmless and temporary.
- Nicotinamide 100 mg Also called niacin; nicotinamide (vitamin B3) is a water-soluble nutrient involved in energy production and carbohydrate metabolism. Legumes, peanuts, wheat bran, and fish are all sources of vitamin B3.
- Calcium pantothenate (pantothenic acid 68.8 mg) 75 mg Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) is involved in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates for energy production. Vitamin B5 is found in sunflower seeds, peas, beans (except green beans), poultry and whole grains.
- Pyridoxine hydrochloride (pyrdioxine 20.6 mg) 25 mg Pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6) is a water-soluble nutrient involved in the production of proteins, neurotransmitters and haemoglobin. Whole grains, legumes, bananas, seeds, nuts and potatoes are good sources of vitamin B6.
- Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) 30 microgram Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) is an essential water-soluble nutrient needed for protein and DNA synthesis, folate metabolism, and red blood cell production. Food sources of vitamin B12 include egg yolk, fish, beef, milk and cheese.
- Biotin (vitamin H) 20 micrograms Biotin is a water-soluble nutrient belonging to the B group vitamins. Food sources of biotin include cheese, cauliflower and eggs.
- Calcium ascorbate 145 mg Vitamin C is a water-soluble antioxidant nutrient involved in many biological processes in the body. Vitamin C is found in a number of fruits and vegetables, great sources are capsicums, blackcurrants, oranges and strawberries.
- Ascorbic acid (Total Vitamin C 250 mg) 130 mg Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is a water-soluble antioxidant nutrient involved in many biological processes in the body. Vitamin C is found in a number of fruits and vegetables, great sources are capsicums, blackcurrants, oranges and strawberries.
- d-alpha tocopheryl acid succinate (vitamin E 50 IU) 41.3 mg Vitamin E is a fat-soluble nutrient that exists in 8 different isomers (forms) of vitamin E alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and delta-tocopherol; and alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and delta-tocotrienol. It's main action is as an antioxidant which is responsible for many of it's functions in the body. Vitamin E is found in cold-pressed vegetable oils, nuts and seeds.
- Magnesium phosphate (magnesium 28.9 mg) 140 mg Magnesium is an essential nutrient that plays a role in over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body and plays a role in a large number of biological processes. Magnesium containing foods include green leafy vegetables, nuts, cocoa and whole grains.
- Calcium phosphate (calcium 37 mg) 95.6 mg Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body and is primarily stored in the bones. Calcium containing foods include dairy products, fortified soy products, broccoli, bok choy, fish with bones- such as salmon and sardines.
- Potassium (potassium 33.7 mg) 117.3 mg Potassium is the most abundant electrolyte in the body. Concentration levels of potassium are maintained by the sodium-potassium pump where potassium passes through the cell membrane in exchange for sodium. Potassium containing foods include squash, potatoes, spinach, lentils, peas, raisins, banana and watermelon.
- Folic acid 150 micrograms A water-soluble B group vitamin, folate is involved in the synthesis of DNA and RNA and the activation of vitamin B12 into it's active form. Folic acid is found in fresh green leafy vegetables, broccoli, mushrooms, legumes, nuts and fortified cereals.
- Avena sativa (oats) ext. dry conc. 25 mg (equiv. to dry seed 250 mg)
- Passiflora incarnata (passion flower) ext. dry conc. 20 mg (equiv. to dry herb 100 mg)
- Lecithin 50 mg
- Choline bitartrate 25 mg Choline is a water-soluble nutrient that is related to the B group vitamins and plays a role in the metabolism of fats. Eggs, peanuts and soy beans are good sources of choline.
- Inositol 25 mg Inositol is a 'vitamin-like' substance related to the B group vitamins. It is a component of cell membranes and plays a role in transporting fats from the liver.
Adults – Take 1 tablet two times a day, or as professionally prescribed. Take with food.
- Always read the label and follow the directions for use
- If symptoms persist, talk to your health professional
- Supplements may only be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate
- Contains gluten, sulfites and soya bean products
- Do not use during pregnancy or breastfeeding
- WARNING - Stop taking this medication if you experience tingling, burning or numbness and see your healthcare practitioner as soon as possible. (Contains vitamin B6)
- If you have any pre-existing conditions, or are on any medications always talk to your health professional before use
- Some products should be ceased at least two weeks before any elective surgery, please confirm with your health professional
- Contains Sulfites
Original Price
Blackmores Executive B 壓力配方採用多種成分專門配製,可支持體內健康的壓力反應。它含有 B 群維生素和鎂。
Blackmores Executive B 壓力配方支持神經系統功能和健康、能量水平和生產,同時支持整體健康和福祉。
- 支持體內健康的壓力反應
- 支援神經系統功能和健康
- 支持能量水平和生產
- 支持整體健康和福祉
- 斑駁的深奶油色至黃色大片。薄膜包衣深棕色。
Blackmores 的區別
Blackmores Executive B 壓力配方採用多種成分專門配製,可支持體內健康的壓力反應。
- 鹽酸硫胺素(硫胺素維生素 B1 66.9 毫克)75 毫克 硫胺素(維生素 B1)是將碳水化合物轉化為能量所需的水溶性營養素。食物來源包括全穀物、豆類、堅果、葵花籽、豬肉和牛肉。
- 核黃素(維生素 B2)10 毫克 核黃素(維生素 B2)是一種水溶性維生素,參與 ATP 的產生和許多其他 B 群維生素的代謝。食物來源包括杏仁、蘑菇和菰米。維生素 B2 補充劑可能會使尿液顏色變成亮黃色。
- 菸鹼醯胺 100 毫克 也稱為菸鹼酸;菸鹼醯胺(維生素 B3)是一種水溶性營養素,參與能量產生和碳水化合物代謝。豆類、花生、麥麩和魚類都是維生素 B3 的來源。
- 泛酸鈣(泛酸 68.8 毫克)75 毫克 泛酸(維生素 B5)參與脂肪和碳水化合物的代謝以產生能量。維生素 B5 存在於葵花籽、豌豆、豆類(綠豆除外)、家禽和全穀物中。
- 鹽酸吡哆醇(吡哆醇 20.6 mg)25 mg 鹽酸吡哆醇(維生素 B6)是一種水溶性營養素,參與蛋白質、神經傳導物質和血紅蛋白的產生。全穀物、豆類、香蕉、種子、堅果和馬鈴薯是維生素 B6 的良好來源。
- 氰鈷胺(維生素 B12)氰鈷胺(維生素 B12)是蛋白質和 DNA 合成、葉酸代謝和紅血球生成所需的必需水溶性營養素。維生素 B12 的食物來源包括蛋黃、魚、牛肉、牛奶和起司。
- 生物素(維生素 H)20 微克 生物素是一種水溶性營養素,屬於B群維生素。生物素的食物來源包括起司、花椰菜和雞蛋。
- 抗壞血酸鈣 145 毫克 維生素C是一種水溶性抗氧化營養素,參與體內許多生物過程。維生素 C 存在於多種水果和蔬菜中,其中辣椒、黑醋栗、柳橙和草莓是維生素 C 的重要來源。
- 抗壞血酸(總維生素 C 250 毫克)130 毫克 抗壞血酸(維生素 C)是一種水溶性抗氧化營養素,參與體內許多生物過程。維生素 C 存在於多種水果和蔬菜中,其中辣椒、黑醋栗、柳橙和草莓是維生素 C 的重要來源。
- d-α 生育醇酸琥珀酸酯(維生素 E 50 IU)41.3 毫克 維生素E是一種脂溶性營養素,以維生素Eα-、β-、γ-和δ-生育醇的8種不同異構體(形式)存在;和α-、β-、γ-和δ-生育三烯酚。它的主要作用是作為一種抗氧化劑,負責其在體內的許多功能。維生素 E 存在於冷壓植物油、堅果和種子中。
- 磷酸鎂(鎂28.9毫克)140毫克 鎂是一種必需營養素,在體內300多種酶促反應中發揮作用,並在大量生物過程中發揮作用。含鎂食物包括綠葉蔬菜、堅果、可可和全穀類。
- 磷酸鈣(鈣37毫克)95.6毫克 鈣是體內最豐富的礦物質,主要儲存在骨骼中。含鈣食物包括乳製品、強化豆製品、綠花椰菜、高麗菜、帶骨魚,如鮭魚和沙丁魚。
- 鉀(鉀33.7毫克)117.3毫克 鉀是體內最豐富的電解質。鉀的濃度水平由鈉鉀泵維持,其中鉀穿過細胞膜交換鈉。含鉀食物包括南瓜、馬鈴薯、菠菜、扁豆、豌豆、葡萄乾、香蕉和西瓜。
- 葉酸 150 微克 葉酸是一種水溶性 B 群維生素,參與 DNA 和 RNA 的合成以及將維生素 B12 活化為其活性形式。葉酸存在於新鮮綠葉蔬菜、綠花椰菜、蘑菇、豆類、堅果和強化穀物中。
- Avena sativa(燕麥)分機。乾濃度25毫克(相當於乾種子250毫克)
- Passiflora incarnata(西番蓮)分機。乾濃度20毫克(相當於乾燥藥草100毫克)
- 卵磷脂 50 毫克
- 酒石酸氫膽鹼 25 毫克
- 肌醇 25 毫克
成人 –每日兩次,每次 1 片,或依專業處方服用。與食物一起服用。
- 請務必閱讀標籤並遵循使用說明
- 如果症狀持續,請諮詢您的健康專家
- 只有當飲食攝取不足時,補充劑可能才有幫助
- 含有麩質、亞硫酸鹽和大豆製品
- 請勿在懷孕或哺乳期間使用
- 警告 - 如果您感到刺痛、灼燒或麻木,請停止服用這種藥物,並儘快去看醫生。 (含有維生素B6)
- 如果您有任何既往病史,或正在服用任何藥物,請務必在使用前諮詢您的健康專業人士
- 某些產品應在任何選擇性手術前至少兩週停止使用,請與您的健康專業人員確認
- 含有亞硫酸鹽
Blackmores Executive B Stress Formula is specifically formulated with a combination of ingredients which support healthy stress response in the body. It contains B vitamins and magnesium.
Blackmores Executive B Stress Formula supports nervous system function and health, energy levels and production while supporting general health and wellbeing.
- Supports healthy stress response in the body
- Supports nervous system function and health
- Supports energy levels and production
- Supports general health and wellbeing
Blackmores Executive B Stress Formula is specifically formulated with a combination of ingredients which support healthy stress response in the body.
Active ingredients per tablet
- Thiamine hydrochloride (thiamine vitamin B1 66.9 mg) 75 mg Thiamine (vitamin B1) is a water-soluble nutrient required for converting carbohydrates into energy. Food sources include whole grains, beans, nuts, sunflower seeds, pork and beef.
- Riboflavin (vitamin B2) 10 mg Riboflavin (vitamijn B2) is a water-soluble vitamin involved in ATP production and the metabolism of many of the other B group vitamins. Food sources include almonds, mushrooms and wild rice. Vitamin B2 supplements may change urine colour to bright yellow.This is harmless and temporary.
- Nicotinamide 100 mg Also called niacin; nicotinamide (vitamin B3) is a water-soluble nutrient involved in energy production and carbohydrate metabolism. Legumes, peanuts, wheat bran, and fish are all sources of vitamin B3.
- Calcium pantothenate (pantothenic acid 68.8 mg) 75 mg Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) is involved in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates for energy production. Vitamin B5 is found in sunflower seeds, peas, beans (except green beans), poultry and whole grains.
- Pyridoxine hydrochloride (pyrdioxine 20.6 mg) 25 mg Pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6) is a water-soluble nutrient involved in the production of proteins, neurotransmitters and haemoglobin. Whole grains, legumes, bananas, seeds, nuts and potatoes are good sources of vitamin B6.
- Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) 30 microgram Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) is an essential water-soluble nutrient needed for protein and DNA synthesis, folate metabolism, and red blood cell production. Food sources of vitamin B12 include egg yolk, fish, beef, milk and cheese.
- Biotin (vitamin H) 20 micrograms Biotin is a water-soluble nutrient belonging to the B group vitamins. Food sources of biotin include cheese, cauliflower and eggs.
- Calcium ascorbate 145 mg Vitamin C is a water-soluble antioxidant nutrient involved in many biological processes in the body. Vitamin C is found in a number of fruits and vegetables, great sources are capsicums, blackcurrants, oranges and strawberries.
- Ascorbic acid (Total Vitamin C 250 mg) 130 mg Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is a water-soluble antioxidant nutrient involved in many biological processes in the body. Vitamin C is found in a number of fruits and vegetables, great sources are capsicums, blackcurrants, oranges and strawberries.
- d-alpha tocopheryl acid succinate (vitamin E 50 IU) 41.3 mg Vitamin E is a fat-soluble nutrient that exists in 8 different isomers (forms) of vitamin E alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and delta-tocopherol; and alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and delta-tocotrienol. It's main action is as an antioxidant which is responsible for many of it's functions in the body. Vitamin E is found in cold-pressed vegetable oils, nuts and seeds.
- Magnesium phosphate (magnesium 28.9 mg) 140 mg Magnesium is an essential nutrient that plays a role in over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body and plays a role in a large number of biological processes. Magnesium containing foods include green leafy vegetables, nuts, cocoa and whole grains.
- Calcium phosphate (calcium 37 mg) 95.6 mg Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body and is primarily stored in the bones. Calcium containing foods include dairy products, fortified soy products, broccoli, bok choy, fish with bones- such as salmon and sardines.
- Potassium (potassium 33.7 mg) 117.3 mg Potassium is the most abundant electrolyte in the body. Concentration levels of potassium are maintained by the sodium-potassium pump where potassium passes through the cell membrane in exchange for sodium. Potassium containing foods include squash, potatoes, spinach, lentils, peas, raisins, banana and watermelon.
- Folic acid 150 micrograms A water-soluble B group vitamin, folate is involved in the synthesis of DNA and RNA and the activation of vitamin B12 into it's active form. Folic acid is found in fresh green leafy vegetables, broccoli, mushrooms, legumes, nuts and fortified cereals.
- Avena sativa (oats) ext. dry conc. 25 mg (equiv. to dry seed 250 mg)
- Passiflora incarnata (passion flower) ext. dry conc. 20 mg (equiv. to dry herb 100 mg)
- Lecithin 50 mg
- Choline bitartrate 25 mg Choline is a water-soluble nutrient that is related to the B group vitamins and plays a role in the metabolism of fats. Eggs, peanuts and soy beans are good sources of choline.
- Inositol 25 mg Inositol is a 'vitamin-like' substance related to the B group vitamins. It is a component of cell membranes and plays a role in transporting fats from the liver.
Adults – Take 1 tablet two times a day, or as professionally prescribed. Take with food.
- Always read the label and follow the directions for use
- If symptoms persist, talk to your health professional
- Supplements may only be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate
- Contains gluten, sulfites and soya bean products
- Do not use during pregnancy or breastfeeding
- WARNING - Stop taking this medication if you experience tingling, burning or numbness and see your healthcare practitioner as soon as possible. (Contains vitamin B6)
- If you have any pre-existing conditions, or are on any medications always talk to your health professional before use
- Some products should be ceased at least two weeks before any elective surgery, please confirm with your health professional
- Contains Sulfites